Kwetu Haven: Sometimes, Only the First Step
We launched Kwetu Haven, a safe home for rescued children, earlier this year and have since cared for a number of misplaced children allowing them to avoid staying in a jail cell while awaiting reunion with their family.
While reunification is our number one priority, there are often many difficult scenarios the children will return - among the reasons they left in the first place.
That’s why Kwetu Haven is really just a first step. We at nisria are working hard to support families in poverty, and sometimes we learn about these cases through our rescue home.
For example, about a month ago we rescued a boy, Mwaura. He shares his single-room home with 7 other siblings. He is being raised solely by his mother, who is struggling with mental health. Some of the children in the home have been unable to attend school because the family could not afford the fees. We were able to pay for two of these boys to attend this current semester.
The family’s home is on a plot of land they own, with room to expand the building. We would like to fund a project to build a second room for this family, and also to send more of the children to the school. This will require help from supporters willing and able to gift the necessary funds. Yes, I can give a gift today!
P.S. We share more intimate details about the families we serve in our newsletter. Subscribe today to learn more about Mwaura and his family.