Where healing meets prosperity

We are a community based organization in Gilgil, Kenya, creating a safe haven for vulnerable children and women.


Walk with us on our journey to mend many


Our beginnings are rooted in the love of a grandmother with a true compassion to change the world.


Our initiatives create a holistic support system for education, wellness, shelter, play and career.


Together we can make a difference. Learn how far we’ve come to understand where we need to go.


“Poverty anywhere is a danger to prosperity everywhere.”

— Jawaharlal Nehru


Our Story

We started in Kenya in 2016 with an initial mission to establish playgrounds and distribute toys. Over the years, our mission expanded to offer a more holistic vision about how we can help vulnerable women and children. 

The bigger picture? That those we serve enjoy a safe space to heal and therefore prosper.

 Active Projects

Loving Hands Safe House Construction

The children of Loving Hands needed to relocate after an unexpected demolition. They are a in a bigger space, but some upgrades are needed.

Read more about our progress

Education Sponsorship

We match well wishers with vulnerable children as sponsors to send the youth, school, training or college/university. This project started off with two sponsored boys.

Find out how many are sponsored now

Rescue Unit

Rescued, abandoned and lost children must go through the police station before they are reconnected with their families or allocated into the suitable children's home. Unfortunately, this is a protocol that we dread.

Learn why, and how we changed it.


Give a Gift Today

 Every gift is one that is passed on to a life in need. Please consider supporting the vulnerable children and women in our communities today.