Local Partnerships Bring Real Nutrition to Families in Need
Quality nutrition is essential for a quality life, yet oftentimes this aspect is forgotten when it comes to helping those living in poverty. Many traditional food programs offer staples such as rice and oil, but don’t go so far as to provide a diverse diet.
We want to change that.
We are working to grow our food program through existing farmers that we supported through a microfund program over the years. These are farms in Nakuru, Kenya, whom we were able to provide financial support to either purchase machinery or supplies and enabled them to continue growing this important crop for their communities.
Recently, when we were in Sudan, we were reminded again that a lot of kids are going to school in order to get breakfast - not because they are interested in education. Providing monthly food baskets will give children the opportunity to be interested in school for education instead of needing to go to be fed.
As another example, consider the story of two of the youth we are supporting through our education sponsorships (ages 13 and 14). These girls were left by their parents, and now the two live on their own while sharing a plot one which their grandfather also has a home.
They attend school during the week with the support of our program, but also work on the weekends to sustain themselves and be able to eat. With the growth of our food program, we can provide nutritious meals to these young girls so that they can focus on their education and just being kids rather than carry the financial burdens that currently weigh them down.
Through this program, we would like to provide enough food that will sustain an average family of 4 for a month. Our initial goal is to sustainably serve 100 families. This will require $150 for month for a family of 4, or about $40 for a week.
Our approach will support the local economy AND provide our kids with a more nutritious and balanced diet. These are local vegetables that local families are familiar with and can easily incorporate into their diets. We emphasize nutritious food because malnutrition is high among kids in these areas, and our kids deserve the best!